Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Where do we go from here?

The kids are in school, we're learning the routines, and everyone is adjusting to the new schedules.

I see that I'm still getting about 50 hits a day on this blog, so it seems like people are still seeking guidance/information... but to be honest, I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to post now that we're finally in school.

I'm happy to keep posting for another few weeks, but only if you, loyal readers/parents of kindergarteners, provide me with some suggestions.  What is concerning you?  What are your questions? What information is not otherwise readily available to you?

Please email me (lexyrelph at gmail dot com) with any comments or questions - or use the form at the bottom of the sidebar, which sometimes works.

(Alex, Ms. Messom's 1st & Isabelle, Ms. Richards' K)

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