Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Classroom assignment letters?

Nope, we haven't received ours yet, either - sit tight!

Monday, August 27, 2012

One more week until school!

A few reminders:

* Check older posts for anything that might be concerning you... take a look at the labels in the sidebar for help.

* The final new family playground meetup is this Wednesday at 5:30 (bring a picnic, meet PTA reps and our principal, Ms. Ayer).

* Kindergarten Welcome Night is Thursday 6pm-7:15pm.  Meet your teacher, find your desk, and get ready for the first day of school!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Reminder: playdates and welcome night

Two more playground meetups are scheduled:  this Sunday, August 26 at 3pm, and next Wednesday, August 29 at 5:30pm.

Also, meet your teacher and find your desk at Welcome Night, next Thursday, August 30, 6-7:15pm.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where to buy school supplies

Well, you can buy them anywhere, but I can personally vouch for Costco and Target!  Avoid the before-school insanity and go this week, if you can.

Stuff you'll be seeking that is currently available:

  • Fall clothing
  • Juice boxes, cracker packs, and other lunch box goodies (these are life savers, folks)
  • Lunch boxes and water bottles and backpacks
  • All the items on the classroom supplies lists (posted at http://bagleyes.seattleschools.org)
  • Bulk sized snacks for when it's your week to supply snack for the whole class - you will be asked by your teacher to sign up for one or two snack weeks, at welcome night or curriculum night.  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Get involved right from the start of the year - kids, too

Bagley could use some helpers to kick off the school year with a few easy activities. It's a great way to meet other parents and get into the swing of things. From our fearless PTA co-presidents:

Hi DBE families,

We're recruiting help in making the start of the school year successful. A short amount of time by a few of you will make all the difference. Here are a few of the opportunities:

Thursday, August 23: Back to School Packets: Join a few parents for an hour or two to collate the August mailer to our families. You'll get the inside scoop on the August Buzz and time to socialize with other parents. Children are welcome. We'll meet in the cafeteria at 10 a.m. 

Tuesday, August 28: First Day Packets: In preparation for the first day, our fabulous secretary, Randi Olson, needs help collating the packets that go home with families on the first day of school. Again, this is a great time to socialize with other parents. Children are welcome. We'll meet in the cafeteria at 10 a.m. 

Wednesday, September 5: First Morning of School and Welcome Coffee:

All School Welcome Back Party September 15, 11-2

Welcome Back to School Party, Saturday September 15, 11-2
Celebrate the new school year, enjoy our beautiful learning garden and playground, and spend some quality time mingling with other Daniel Bagley students and families!
"Chef in the Garden" kids' cooking demonstrations, games, chalk art, music, apples, and veggie planting in the Bagley garden.

Save the date!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Waitlist updates, Welcome Night, Curriculum Night

There doesn't appear to have been much movement yet on the waitlist, based on today's updated report, which indicates the following stats for kindergarten:
Contemporary - 9
Montessori - 20
Inclusion - 3

But, don't lose hope!  Classroom assignments haven't been confirmed yet, and there is a lot of movement toward the end of August, right through the first week of school.

Welcome Night
You will receive your classroom/teacher assignment in the mail before welcome night which will be on August 30th at 6pm (confirmed start time!).  New students and their parents are invited to meet their teachers and classmates, find their desk and locker, and get acquainted with Bagley.  Expect to be at school for about an hour.

Curriculum Night
You will get curriculum-related information at the aptly named 'curriculum night', on Tuesday, September 18 (time TBD; 6:30ish is a reasonable estimate).  

How to get connected to Bagley

For your reading pleasure, here's an updated re-post from last year.


The PTA & Daniel Bagley staff communicate with parents using several different methods, and the fastest is by email - join the vlist to stay up-to-date.

The vlist is an email forum for Daniel Bagley parents that is sponsored by the PTA. It’s an easy way to stay connected and keep informed of what’s happening in and around Daniel Bagley. Join via: www.danielbagley.com/happening_vlist.htm.

Other means of communication you'll see:

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Playdates, portables, and websites

First, don't forget to check the blog for answers to all your 'new Bagley family' questions - most of the posts from last summer are still relevant.  Search by the labels on the sidebar.  There is info on lunches, recess, afterschool activities, the PTA, class sizes, curriculum night, and much, much more.

Websites:  You might have noticed that we have two websites - the PTA one (danielbagley.com) and the brand new SPS one (bagleyes.seattleschools.org).  Volunteers are hard at work transitioning to the SPS site, but meanwhile, you will probably notice some outdated information, or might have some trouble navigating to the pages you want.  For now, your best sources of information about Bagley are probably: