Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What's Next?

New families, Kindergartners, families with older siblings who need to review the Kindergarten process again... this is the place for you!

Miss the Ice cream social? Miss the playdate? No worries - here is a re-cap:

Ice Cream Social - Parents and kids walked around the school; kids ate ice-cream, got sticky and played on the playground!

First Playdate: Parents and kids walked around the school; playground, kids ate ice-cream, got sticky and played on the playground! ;)

So, what is next? What can you expect at a playdate on the playground?

When you arrive at the school, you might notice the gate appears to be locked. Never fear, as you face the playground, the gate to your left is open! Come on in, play for about 45 min and don't worry if you can't remember anyone's name. Ask questions; no question too big or too small. Last week's topics included:
  1. What should I pack for lunch?
  2. How does fundraising work at Bagley?
  3. How many recesses are there?
Stay tuned for posts on these topics, and more.

Join us at the next playdate/s. Can't make this time? Send me an email using the form on the right and suggest other times/dates or stay tuned for an upcoming poll!

Sunday, July 14th, 3pm
Sunday, August 11th, 3pm
Sunday, August 18th, 3pm

Siblings, friends and family are welcome.

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