Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Bee in the Parade with Bagley!!

It's parade week!  Hope your bikes are ready and Bagley t-shirts on on hand.

The parade is one of the largest Kiddie Parades during the Seafair season which means parking and traffic are bad in the area.  You can either park near the start of the parade and our meeting area (95th & Greenwood) or near the end of the parade route (85th & 6th Avenue NW).

For those new to the Bagley community, this a super fun way to meet other Bagley bees before the school year.  We gather for the parade, decorate our bikes with black & yellow streamers and then we "march" in down the parade route handing out candy.  The parade starts at 6pm and we are generally up towards the front.  

Here are the details:

Date:  Wednesday, July 25
Meeting Time:   5:15-5:45 (decorate bikes, get lined up
Meeting Location:  Church parking lot on the NW corner of 95th & Greenwood (look for Keri, the organizer, in the Bee Costume)
What to Bring:  Bikes, helmets, bagley shirts, sunscreen,canvas shopping bags for handing out candy,  additional black & gold decorations (optional) ...water bottles suggested too ;)
What Will Be Provided:  Black & yellow streamers, candy to hand out

The weather looks like it will be good!  Here's to a fun-filled Wednesday night!


Sunday, July 14, 2013

Get ready to Play.....(and Pay)

A reminder, this afternoon is a Bagley Playdate!

Another not so fun reminder.... next week you will receive information about paying for full-day kindergarten!

From the SPS website:

Full Day Kindergarten for school year 2013-14 

The rate for school year is $3,110.00 per year, or ten $311.00 monthly installment.  
During the week of July 15-19, 2013, Accounting Services will mail a financial packet with agreements and forms to every enrolled kindergarten student’s household.  The agreements and forms should be completed and returned  to SPS Accounting Services by 8/8/2013. 

Do 'Not' send in a SY 2013-2014 full day kindergarten program participation payment without your signed agreement and forms.
More info here


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Playdates at the Bagley Playground, welcome night and more!

Ok, Really, there is no "more". Just welcome night and playdates....

The next play date is coming up this Sunday, July 14, at 3pm.

When you arrive at the school, you might notice the gate appears to be locked. Never fear, as you face the playground, the gate to your left is open! Come on in, play for about 45 min and don't worry if you can't remember anyone's name. Ask questions; no question too big or too small.

Mark your calendars!

Sunday, July 14th, 3pm -
the portable installation may not be complete so there may be some areas of the playground roped off - but still lots of room to play)

August playdates - A rep from the PTA will plan to attend a couple of the playdates to sell Bagley Bee t-shirts!! Bring cash or checkbook. There will also be a parent/ PTA representative available at these August playdates to answer questions about special education at Bagley.

Sunday, August 11th, 3pm 
Sunday, August 18th, 3pm

New playdate added!  August 29th, 6-7pm Principal Erika Ayer will attend.  The building will not be open during these playdates.

And.....drumroll please......

Wecome night, Sept. 3rd, 6-7:15pm