- *NEW*: The Washington Karate Ballard Dojo is enrolling now for the After School Karate Program. They provide transportation to and from Bagley. For more information, call 206-784-3171 or send an email to ballard_dojo@washingtonkarate.com.
- The Bagley Boys & Girls Club offers a fun, affordable, and safe on-site childcare program before and after school. Activities include snack, homework help, arts, crafts, and games. Hours of operation are from 7am-6:30pm during school days, 7am-6pm on non-school days and during summer camp. Fall enrollment started on April 1st for new families. Enrollment for summer tween camp kids entering 4th grade through 7th grade started in March. For any questions call 206-853-5297 or email Christine Taylor.
- Illumination Studio (ILS) provides a fun and engaging before and after school program with a number of movement activities to get out some energy, including Tai Chi, Yoga, and Fitness Movement. Students then rotate between piano instruction, drama and performance, learning-based projects, and yoga. Daily homework help is given to all students. The program runs the duration of the school year. Students may enroll at any time as availability allows. Hours of operation are from 7am before school and 3pm until 5:30-6 after school. Daily transportation is provided to and from Bagley. ILS also offers amazing summer camps. Check them out!
- The YMCA offers after-school care at the Phinney Neighborhood Center until 6pm, including transportation from Bagley. Registration has not opened yet. For more information, please email universityprograms@seattleymca.org.
- The Bagley after-school enrichment program will offer on-site classes five days a week until 5pm. (A second class from 5 to 6 may be offered this year, but has yet to be determined.) In the past, classes have included Spanish, chess, LEGO engineering, coding, piano, sports, show choir, clay, watercolor, cooking, music and movement, broadcast journalism, and more! Seattle Parks and Recreation is taking over administration of the enrichment program beginning this fall. Families will need to register through the SPARC website, so be sure to sign up for an account if you don't have one already!