Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Welcome Back Event 9/27

This Saturday, 9/27, 1-4 p.m.

Please come celebrate the new school year, and enjoy our beautiful garden and playground.

Enjoy spending some quality time mingling with other Daniel Bagley students and families!

All friends and family are welcome. Bring a donation for the greenwood food bank. There will be music, art, games for the kids, and apples for all!

Best of all, it looks like sunshine.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tonight is Curriculum night (adults only)

September 18, 6:30-8:00

Please join us in the Bagley Cafeteria at 6:30 to hear a brief overview of the school curriculum.

At 6:45, parents will go to your child's classroom to hear more about what your child is learning from his or her teacher.

Please note that this is an adult-only event, so you'll need to get a sitter.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bagley T-Shirts! Thursday night!

Hello DB Families,

Hope everyone is adjusting nicely to the new school year.

We will have our Bagley Youth T for sale from 6 to 6:30 on Thursday night. Please bring 10.00 cash or check made to DBPTA if you would like one. Sizes and colors will be our most popular only. We will do a special order at the end of October if you do not find what you need.

Bagley shirts are a great way to show school pride. Buy one for the jogathon, spirit day or just to represent.

Bee Proud!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What is Kid Mail

Rachel Haynes posted this to our vlist, just in case you missed it!

Kid mail is information, forms, etc. that go out to families from the school and/or PTA. On Thursdays it is compiled and sent to classrooms by PTA volunteers. Teachers then put it into students' folders which go home in students' bags or backpacks. Parents can also return forms, checks, etc to the school via their child's folders (Please make sure checks have a note in the memo as to their intended use/program).



So, how was their day?

A few weeks in, have you been able to find easy ways to communicate with your child about school?

I found this helpful!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Letters - please read them before school starts!

School is approaching.

Welcome letters are posted.

For anyone having trouble accessing the letter from Ms. Steele, click here

The other letters are here


Friday, August 29, 2014

Teacher Assignments not yet finalized

I have received many questions about teacher assignments.

As Randi Olson mentions:

Please be aware that assignments are still not set until you receive your postcard.  We are still getting new students and I have still been making changes.

Randi Olson
Administrative Secretary
Daniel Bagley Elementary
MS NH-204

Check your mail today for your postcard!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Orientation and First Day Corrections: PLEASE READ!

Dear families,

1.  Our Reader Board at the school was posted incorrectly.  The correct time for New Student Orientation  is 6:30-7:15 PM on Tuesday, September 2.

2. A previous announcement went out mentioning a flag ceremony on Wednesday morning.  There will not be a flag ceremony outside the school on the first day of school this year. This is a change from previous years.  The decision was made by faculty, staff, administrators, and PTA board members from the current and past board.  This is due to concerns for student safety with our increased enrollment, particularly among our younger students who will have just met their teachers. 

Thanks for your understanding.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Final New Family Playdate

Hi everyone!

Our last playdate for the year is coming up this Sunday, 8/24 from 2-3pm on the Daniel Bagley playground.

Principal Erika Ayer will be attending, along with PTA President Laural Miller-Klein, and there will be popsicles aplenty.

There has been some conflicting information about the time of the playdates on the various school-related websites - if that has impacted you, we are so sorry!

So, to re-iterate: Sunday, 8/24 from 2-3pm on the Daniel Bagley playground.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Class supply lists - don't stress!

I have received several questions about the class supply lists on the Bagley school site.

First and foremost, please don't stress out about having all the supplies by the first day. 

Some stores have 'general suggestions' posted, but please go by the listings provided by teachers on the Bagley website.

Teachers collect supply funds in most cases, and there will be plenty of returning parents bringing supplies for the first day/week.


Monday, August 11, 2014

Another new family playdate

I hope you can make it to our last playdate on Sunday 8/24, 2-3pm on the Daniel Bagley Playground.
In addition to Laural, Principal Erika Ayer will attend the 8/24 playdate.

This will be a great opportunity to chat with her.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Plan Ahead! 2014-15 Academic Calendar

School Board approves 2014-15 Academic Calendar

Eliminates the week-long mid-winter break next year

The Seattle School Board Wednesday night approved the District’s 2014-15 academic calendar, which includes elimination of the week-long mid-winter break next year.

The mid-winter break will be reduced from a full Monday-Friday to four days over Presidents Day weekend – including the Monday, Feb. 16 for Presidents Day, which is already a holiday and a non-school day, and Tuesday, Feb. 17 following Presidents Day.

As a result of the shorter mid-winter break, the last day of school in 2014-15 will be earlier – Monday, June 15, 2015, assuming no snow make-up days. The yearly academic calendar is negotiated by teams from Seattle Public Schools and the Seattle Education Association.

The full calendar can be found at http://bit.ly/2014-15calendar

Key dates for 2014-15, which were announced in February and finalized Wednesday, include:

  • Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2014: First day of school for students
  • Tuesday, Nov. 11: Veterans Day
  • Nov. 27-28: Thanksgiving holiday
  • Dec. 22, 2014-Jan. 2, 2015: Winter break
  • Jan. 19, 2015: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Feb. 16, 2015: President’s Day
  • Feb. 17, 2015: One day off, as part of shortened Mid-Winter break
  • April 13-17, 2015: Spring Break
  • May 25, 2015: Memorial Day
  • Monday, June 15, 2015: Last day of school for students, unless snow days come into play

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Ice Cream Social for incoming New Families - Thurs June 5!

Join us Thursday, June 5,2014, for an Ice Cream Social!

We are excited to welcome incoming families to the Daniel Bagley community. This includes Kindergarten families as well as any new transferring families.

Join us at Daniel Bagley school on Thursday, June 5, at 6 p.m. 

 • meet other new Daniel Bagley families

 • hear from Principal Ayer

 • play on the playground (weather permitting)

 • and, of course, enjoy ice cream*

 *Other treats will be available for those students with milk or nut allergies.

In the meantime, and throughout the summer, visit this blog, bagleykindergarten.blogspot.com for information for all new families.

Daniel Bagley Elementary School • 7821 Stone Ave. N. • Seattle, WA 98103

Art Walk, Book Fair and Food Donations, Oh My!

Tomorrow, Thursday May 22, is a big day at Bagley! If you play your cards right, you can participate in not 1, but 3 great events - the Art Walk, the Book Fair and collecting food for Greenwood Food bank.

Coming to Art Walk?   Please consider bringing a grocery bag of non-perishable food for the Greenwood Food Bank!  They are gearing up for the summer months when school is not in session and more children go hungry. 

In the past two years, Art Walk has collected 1,461 pounds of food for the Greenwood Food Bank:  509 pounds last year, and a whopping 952 pounds in 2012.  Let's beat our 2012 record, and aim for collecting 1,000 pounds of food for hungry kids!

Some ideas for what to put in your bag:
  • peanut butter and other nut butters
  • jelly
  • honey
  • canned tuna
  • mixed nuts packages
  • trail mix
  • 100% juice boxes
  • single serving applesauce
  • single serving instant oatmeal
  • pudding cups
  • soups and stews
  • beef sticks and turkey jerky
  • granola bars
  • 100% fruit rolls
  • small cans of fruit
  • cup of noodles
  • cereal
  • crackers
  • raisin boxes and other dried fruits
  • small cans of pork & beans
  • pretzels
  • shelf-stable cow's milk, soy milk, or rice milk
Any donation is greatly appreciated, and will help feed hungry kids in our community this summer!
Cynthia Cantrill is the new Program Supervisor a the Greenwood Food Bank.  She will be on hand to thank you for your donation and answer questions about the food bank's operations.  You can also find out about Daniel Bagley's summer partnership with the food bank.  Did you know that Bagley volunteers harvest organic produce from the school garden throughout the summer and donate it to the Greenwood Food Bank?  Stay tuned for more information on how you can be involved in the school garden's summer watering and harvesting program!

Thanks for helping!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Connect with Bagley -Stay in the know!

How to Connect with Bagley! 

Whether you are a potential Bee, a new student family or a returning family, it never hurts to connect early!

Get connected and stay in touch. Start now if you haven't already.

The PTA & Daniel Bagley staff communicate with parents using several different methods, and the fastest is by email - join the vlist to stay up-to-date.

The vlist is an email forum for Daniel Bagley parents that is sponsored by the PTA. It’s an easy way to stay connected and keep informed of what’s happening in and around Daniel Bagley. Join via: www.danielbagley.com/happening_vlist.htm.

Other means of communication you'll see:
  • mailings from the Seattle School Board - make sure your mailing address is correct
  • the Buzz - weekly Bagley newsletters (http://www.danielbagley.com/happening.htm) emailed to the vlist
  • kid mail - information from the principal, teachers and the PTA sent home in your child's backpack

You can also email the PTA officers with questions; their addresses are at the bottom of the page at: http://www.danielbagley.com/pta.htm

Don't forget to join the PTA and support our fantastic community! You will receive membership information just before school starts. We have reached 100 percent PTA membership for the past four years, meaning that we have had at least as many adult members of the PTA as there are students in the school. Thanks to our incredible, tireless PTA and parent volunteers, Daniel Bagley is able to offer an enhanced educational experience through programs such as classroom tutors (aides), vocal music, health and fitness, art, family fun nights, and much more.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dress Code Reminder

As it gets warmer, here is a reminder about dressing the kids! Don't forget sunscreen!

Here is our dress code:


·         Tops and dresses should have wide shoulder straps. No spaghetti straps

·         Short dresses should have leggings worn beneath them. No short shorts.

·         No flip flops. Sandals should have some support to them to keep from foot injuries and tripping.

·         Boy’s tank tops should be fitted. No large armholes.



Monday, February 24, 2014

Open Enrollment is here!

Are you ready for open enrollment?  SPS Open Enrollment info is here. Click here to visit the SPS website for more info.

This is your only chance to:
(a) apply for Bagley if you are out of the area
(b) apply for Montessori

It's also an opportunity to sign up if you are in the area.  Although this can be done at any time, since you're guaranteed a spot in the contemporary program if you live in the Bagley attendance area, and it is a great idea to give the school an idea of who is coming.  It lets SPS begin the process of assigning spots to the people who apply during open enrollment.

Scan through old posts for more information about the enrollment process.  Look for the label 'registration' and take a spin through this post from a prior year.