Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Ice Cream Social - June 5

Welcome NEW Bees!!

 Daniel Bagley PTA will be hosting an ice cream social for new Fall 2014 incoming students.

Come join us for an ice cream treat, an opportunity to meet school leaders, and a chance to view some of the classrooms.  

New Student Ice Cream Social
Wednesday June 5
Signs will be provided to direct you, and volunteers will be available to answer questions.

Don't forget to follow this blog and school Web site for ongoing updates about summer playground play dates and other events.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Get Connected!

Get connected and stay in touch. Start now if you haven't already.

The PTA & Daniel Bagley staff communicate with parents using several different methods, and the fastest is by email - join the vlist to stay up-to-date.

The vlist is an email forum for Daniel Bagley parents that is sponsored by the PTA. It’s an easy way to stay connected and keep informed of what’s happening in and around Daniel Bagley. Join via: www.danielbagley.com/happening_vlist.htm.

Other means of communication you'll see: (Please note some of these websites are under construction during this weekend, until July 15.)

You can also email the PTA officers with questions; their addresses are at the bottom of the page at: http://www.danielbagley.com/pta.htm

Don't forget to join the PTA and support our fantastic community! You will receive membership information just before school starts. We have reached 100 percent PTA membership for the past four years, meaning that we have had at least as many adult members of the PTA as there are students in the school. Thanks to our incredible, tireless PTA and parent volunteers, Daniel Bagley is able to offer an enhanced educational experience through programs such as classroom tutors (aides), vocal music, health and fitness, art, family fun nights, and much more.

Have a Sharpie handy?

If not, you'd better go buy some.

A lot of them. Don't wait for the fancy name label deal site ads to start showing up in your email in September...

Start writing names inside everything your new little Kindergartner is going to be bringing to Bagley. Favorite hoodie? Tag it! Camelbak? Mark it now...you know everyone else has the same one! Even those little plastic lunch box containers go missing... and even though we donate this stuff, wouldn't you rather bring it back home?

The first day of school, our Lost and Found looks like this:
Lost and Found, first day of school - Sept, 2012

And this is what it looks like a few weeks later

Monday, May 20, 2013

Kindergartener and New Family Playdates!

If you have an incoming Kindergartner or are new to Daniel Bagley Elementary, please join us for summer playdates at the Bagley playground to meet other families and make new connections.  

These are informal gatherings, but we will have current parents available to help answer any questions you may have as the new school year approaches.

Please help spread the word to new families.

Bagley Playground playdates:

Sunday, June 9th, 3pm
Sunday, July 14th, 3pm
Sunday, August 11th, 3pm
Sunday, August 18th, 3pm

Siblings, friends and family are welcome.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New Kindergartener? Get ready!

Are you a new Daniel Bagley family with a Kindergartner starting school in the Fall? This is the place to be to ask questions, read helpful posts and stories and share in the excitement with other families!

The Ice Cream Social is coming up on Wednesday June 5 at 6pm.

Stay tuned for more details. Got a question? Ask me -- just submit a confidential question using the form in the sidebar.