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Thursday, February 19, 2015

A message about Seattle Schools Open Enrollment and Assignment

Dear Seattle Public Schools family,
With Open Enrollment just around the corner, we are writing to alert you about important school assignment and school choice information. In an effort to provide quality customer service, the district has created an easy-to-use Assignment Look-Up Tool on the Seattle Public Schools Admissions website (http://enrollment.www.seattleschools.org) allowing families greater ease in identifying their student’s assigned school both this year and the next school year. As a result, families will no longer be mailed a next-year assignment letter for each student in mid-February. In the past, we took this extra step to help families transition to our New Student Assignment Plan as enrollment growth boundaries changed and while we established attendance area schools and choice assignments.
As a general rule, your student is assigned to the same school he or she is attending now. In the case of students moving up to middle or high school, students will be automatically assigned to their neighborhood school. This can be confirmed on the Assignment Look-Up Tool (available by Feb. 23) or by using our automated phone system by calling (206) 252-0212. If you would like to change your current or assigned school for the 2015-16 school year, Open Enrollment runs from Feb. 23 to Mar. 6. Full instructions on how to participate in Open Enrollment and choose a different school can be found on the Admissions website athttp://bit.ly/Apply-OpenEnrollment   or by contacting the Admissions office at(206) 252-0760. Choice forms will be available on Feb. 23. For families who applied for Advanced Learning testing, information about how to apply for a Choice school serving Highly Capable Cohort students during Open Enrollment can be found athttp://bit.ly/AdvLearningOpenEnrollment
Students affected by Special Education program changes, transportation changes due to growth boundary changes, and Advance Learning testing results will receive additional letters in the next several weeks with further information. Open Enrollment results will be sent in April.
Thank you for your support of Seattle Public Schools.
Pegi McEvoy
Assistant Superintendent for Operations