Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Welcome Back Event 9/27

This Saturday, 9/27, 1-4 p.m.

Please come celebrate the new school year, and enjoy our beautiful garden and playground.

Enjoy spending some quality time mingling with other Daniel Bagley students and families!

All friends and family are welcome. Bring a donation for the greenwood food bank. There will be music, art, games for the kids, and apples for all!

Best of all, it looks like sunshine.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tonight is Curriculum night (adults only)

September 18, 6:30-8:00

Please join us in the Bagley Cafeteria at 6:30 to hear a brief overview of the school curriculum.

At 6:45, parents will go to your child's classroom to hear more about what your child is learning from his or her teacher.

Please note that this is an adult-only event, so you'll need to get a sitter.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Bagley T-Shirts! Thursday night!

Hello DB Families,

Hope everyone is adjusting nicely to the new school year.

We will have our Bagley Youth T for sale from 6 to 6:30 on Thursday night. Please bring 10.00 cash or check made to DBPTA if you would like one. Sizes and colors will be our most popular only. We will do a special order at the end of October if you do not find what you need.

Bagley shirts are a great way to show school pride. Buy one for the jogathon, spirit day or just to represent.

Bee Proud!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What is Kid Mail

Rachel Haynes posted this to our vlist, just in case you missed it!

Kid mail is information, forms, etc. that go out to families from the school and/or PTA. On Thursdays it is compiled and sent to classrooms by PTA volunteers. Teachers then put it into students' folders which go home in students' bags or backpacks. Parents can also return forms, checks, etc to the school via their child's folders (Please make sure checks have a note in the memo as to their intended use/program).



So, how was their day?

A few weeks in, have you been able to find easy ways to communicate with your child about school?

I found this helpful!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Letters - please read them before school starts!

School is approaching.

Welcome letters are posted.

For anyone having trouble accessing the letter from Ms. Steele, click here

The other letters are here
