Welcome to Daniel Bagley!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Free Money for Bagley! Off to a good start.

The Free Money Team would like to thank you for your work so far this year.

 What is Free Money?  It’s the fundraising program at our school that earns free money through several different programs when our families shop for just about anything.  Every little bit helps!  A few receipts from each family can add up to thousands of dollars each year for Bagley, to fund our school programs, including salaries and supplies for art, music, health and fitness, library, tutors, and much more.  
Just a reminder of ways you can help our school:
·         Use our Amazon link:  www.amazon.com/?tag=danibageelem-20.  Simply using this link when you start your Amazon session gives us up to 10% back on purchases.  We earned almost $3,000 last year!   Please bookmark it!
·         Save receipts from Ballard Market.  We earn 4% of purchases.
      Save Box Tops for Education. Make your kids in charge of collecting and turning these in. I keep a ziploc on the fridge where they can just cut out and stick boxtops as we purchase things.
·         Save Labels for Education.
·         Save empty ink cartridges from your printer.
·         Register your Safeway Club Card and Bartell Drugs Loyalty card at https://secure.escrip.com/jsp/supporter/registration/step1.jsp
·         Sign up on www.shopwithscrip.com to order gift cards to hundreds of retailers.  We earn a rebate of up to 18%.  Contact Camille for instructions.
 Visit our Free Money page for more information.